
🐝 - Axogma

My personal strawpage!

My intro tweet on the account!

Hello!! I'm Axo!! I made the account and run as one of the admins! I'm one of those.. they/thems... I am the number 1 art fan! NOT self-proclaimed! I also selfship with art so if that makes you upset I'm sorry!!! :(

Go back to mainpage!


His personal carrd

His intro tweet on the account

"Hi, name's Null. I'm a newer admin on the account! I can only post doodles here on Wednesdays and the weekends so you wont see me very often. I go by he/him pronouns and I'm a really big Baldi (Null) fan!"

πŸ•ΈοΈ - Kaina

His personal bundles

Their intro tweet on the account! (tba)

"hii im kaina I use they/it/he/neos/mirrors I'm a enby&transmasc and Asexual (only masc and neutral terms please!!) biggest amamori and hareu fan>_<"

🐢 - Qoziar/Shun

"Woof! ^_^"

His personal rentry!

Her intro tweet on the account!     (to be added)